Archive for May, 2008

Improving your employer brand without the ego

The ego can limit the success of your company so be conscious of it.

Everyone is important let me say that again, everyone is important. One of the biggest ways to destroy your employer brand is with an ego. I have seen it countless times through client engagements and it is killing business today. Opening your doors to everyone is important and though we are dealing with the most fundamental aspects of customer service that door swings from the inside as well.

Anytime you have a mind set on the physical, mental or social type of individuals that you want to work with your company you have limited your role in establishing a successful employer brand, the ego sets those limits. Are you really better because of social standing or industry? Are your requirements reflecting that ego? These are very important issues with respect to having a successful employer brand. A common mistake throughout the corporate world is that positions within a company must fit a mold that represents the professional image of that company and that attitude could be keeping you from truly getting the best talent to run your business or organization. A good example would be age, fashion sense, or previous employers. I am not saying that an ego based attitude fosters discrimination but it certainly parallels it.

An ego in your business is the same as a person with an ego and that attitude turns off people who work for you and those who want to as well. You may be the biggest in town you may be the best at the moment, but all that can change if you develop an ego that says no to employees, partnerships, or alliances based on that ego. The best way to improve your employer brand without the ego is to be conscious of it, have an open mind, listen when others turn away, and embrace change. The open door policy internally provides comfort not the attitude that I am more senior than you so make an appointment. The chain in management is always important but knowing the door is always open from senior manager to CEO brings about trust and equality.

If you think your business ego could be affecting your reputation than make some changes, provide training, and be conscious of it because, it could be holding you back from where you really want to be.

ING Direct is coming to Waikiki

The nation’s largest direct bank coming to Waikiki in the fall of 2008

After seeing Local Motion for so long at 1958 Kalakaua Avenue a bank would seem like an unlikely tenant for the location, but with so many local banks serving our ohana a mainland bank seems like a great fit for Waikiki and its visitors. ING Direct is not your typical financial institution, inspiring savings and a café environment as well. Who knows what the future holds for ING Direct and Hawaii. The only position open on their website right now is for a Café Sales Associate, but if you go on their website it will give you more details on the position.

The introduction of a new financial institution here in the islands with the brand recognition of ING direct will attract not only new customers, but employees from other banks looking for a fresh change. Cleo Brown a veteran financial executive will head Hawaii operations and lead ING Directs internet café and direct banking in Hawaii. Brown also mentions in a recent article in the Honolulu Advertiser that ING Direct already has more than 20,000 customers here.

They even have a video on their website. Check it out.

Employment Branding and being different

Stop making excuses and go for it

I have read countless articles and blogs about employment branding and although many of them address definition and support very few actually talk about real solutions. The challenges that most companies face today is creating that image of stability and security all while trying to grow their business, and attract the best talent.

Is there a right approach? What can you do to truly separate your company from the rest and define yourself as the employer of choice? These are the questions you should be asking right now. Research is the key and no matter what you offer if it is the same as the next guy are you really different, or just along for the ride? I have always recommended that no matter what you do to establish your employer brand make sure that you are not doing the same thing as everyone else, your just wasting your time. This is a special time in our economy and whether you like it or not, now is the time to break free from the pact and make your mark.

The only rules are the ones that you create for you and your employees. Be different, be innovative, and be bold. If you are going against the grain that may be just what the doctor ordered. Today people get bored with the same old thing so why provide it. You can be different in many ways to establish your employment brand through changes in the perceived work psychology, remember you can be different. These differences attract the best people to work for you. Just look at Google! My advice for you today is simple stop making excuses because you think it should be a certain way it shouldn’t, don’t limit yourself, and don’t assume it will not work because nobody else is doing it. The creative ideas to define yourself as the employer of choice are endless but you have to put those thoughts into action.

Small Business Hawaii

A local business resource worth checking out.
Small Business Hawaii is a local website for small businesses here in Hawaii. The site has links to a lot of resources and though membership is required to take full advantage of SBH resources they do have events that are open to the public. I wish the website was a little better but it has excellent information and resources. The event with Dr. Mark Skousen will take place this week.
Dr. Mark Skousen of “Forecasts & Strategies” will be Small Business Hawaii’s featured speaker at the next SBH Sunrise Networking Breakfast to be held at 7 am on Thursday, May 29 in the Pineapple Room of Macys’ Ala Moana.Skousen’s topic will be focused on “Economic Empowerment.”This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about the importance of an educated work force in Hawaii.Skousen, who is a recognized national authority on economics and investment is also a popular author. He has also organized a economic freedom conference in Las Vegas this July.In April, members heard from Read Aloud America’s Jed Gaines, who spoke on the benefits of literacy and its impact on your next employees.SBH Sunrise attendees enjoy a free exhibit area and introductions to boost their business.The public is welcome. Parking is free. Cost is $25 for members and their guests who register and pay in advance. The cost is $35 for non-members and at the door.

Cali & Jody and Why Work Sucks

Tim Ferriss spotlights Cali Ressler and Jody Thompson.

If you have read my some of my posts recently about ROWE (Results only work environment) than you will want to read this. Tim Ferriss has posted an article on his blog Four Hour Work Week which talks about Best Buy incorporating ROWE. I have talked about this in the past and again this is an excellent program. Enjoy

Employment Branding now is the time

Now is the perfect time to define your company as the best place to work.
Branding your image as the best place to work right now can be a powerful weapon in the war for talent. You have to be bold and innovative but with the right approach you can seize market share now.

The absolute best time to get the best people is now but you need to define yourself and I am not talking about just words, I am talking action. Any recruiter or human resources manager can type up a compelling statement that reflects your company as a great place to work but once that transaction has taken place if you are not ready to reflect those statements you are just wasting your time and possibly damaging your reputation. To truly come up with a plan of action during an economic slow down you must be willing to make investments in shaping a recruiting model that provides excellent employer value propositions and a workforce plan that incorporates it.

Employer value propositions are a tough sell unless they have value to the employee or candidate. The best EVP has choices not limitations gaining popularity based on you’re flexibility as an employer of choice. A good example would be professional development. If you are offering tuition reimbursement for continuing education in a related field, than add tuition assistance for any undergraduate and graduate program. This can guarantee long term employment with your company. A high attrition rate and vacancies can impact productivity which costs money, the investment is worth it. The value of a few good EVP’s can go along way in attracting the people that you want, especially during an economic slowdown.

The problem right now is a lot of companies are risking loosing talent by freezing any hiring and limiting valuable benefits. Is this the right move? Yes and no, of course some companies cannot make those large investments, so what are they to do? The answer is good leadership and relationships with their employees. A good employment branding plan always incorporates good management that fosters positive relationships. In other words you have a good boss. The value of flexibility has gained a lot of popularity over the past few years as well, allowing employees the benefit of controlling their schedules. A performance based model judges your employees based on results, not time spent sitting at their desk looking like they are working. The future of our workforce will be spending more time away from the office and for those industries that can provide this option to their employees will see increased productivity, which will have a far reaching impact on business as a whole. My point is simple, be bold, be daring, and pave the way for the future of your company by giving what is not being given, listening when nobody is listening, and providing certainty when nothing seems certain. They will come!

The Generation Y Workforce

The Gen Y employee can move your company ahead better, faster, and with style.

I am a Gen X and even though I think my own generation has a lot of similarities to Gen Y there are some differences. Today a lot of companies are headed by Gen X superstars but get ready because the next generation is already making a huge impact.

There are some interesting facts about the Y generation, 97% own a computer, 76% use instant messaging, 34% use websites as their primary source of news, and 44% read blogs. They are the wave of the future soaking up knowledge and information at a faster rate then previous generations, and they apply it with skill not to mention a little fashion and style. There is no doubt about it the Gen Y employee has a lot to offer but before you start recruiting them at a high rate of speed you need to know how to keep them when they arrive.

What took you 70 hours in a work week to complete in the past can be done in 30 hours by a Gen Y, but don’t expect them to stick around and waste time the Gen Y of today wastes no time if you’re wasting their time, we need to change our recruiting and attitudes toward the Gen Y candidate, and who knows those employer value propositions could spell good news for your retention and reputation with all generations. We need to embrace their knowledge and collaborate on ideas not experience. They have a ton of potential and a lot to offer an employer willing to cater to their needs but they need things like flexible or split scheduling, telecommuting, fast track promotion, and reimbursement for various things like cell phones, laptops, software, and network memberships. If you take good care of the Gen Y employee and offer them an opportunity to shine they will.

You might as well forget about on-line job board ads if you really want to get their attention than put together a short recruiting video that highlights your company and post it on certain networking groups on Facebook. These high achievers are accomplishing things at a faster rate, incorporating that drive and unique knowledge is critical for any company that wants to have a bright future, don’t get left behind, like I said they will not be there. The Gen Y employee is aggressive, a fast learner, and eager to move up the ladder, the days of old are just that, old. I like to call it the X Y Factor, evolution at its finest.

Kapolei looking good for future employment

The city is growing and so are the jobs!It is 7:30 am, you’re in your car heading Ewa on the H-1 and traffic is backed up. Ewa you say? This may not be too far off considering how Kapolei is growing. When you visit the Kapolei website they state that within the next 20 years 40,000 new jobs will be there. The site offer a lot of good information about what is coming Kapolei commons 2009, Target 2009, Hawaii Carpenters Union Training Center 2009, and much more.

Kapolei is the fastest growing job center in the state who knows what may be added to the production calendar in the future to boost that 40k. If you are looking to expand your job search check this site out. Kapolei will make a positive impact on employment in Hawaii without a doubt.

High Marks for HireNet Hawaii

Easy to use and packed with information for everyone, HireNet Hawaii gets a thumbs up!

If you have not been on the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations website HireNet Hawaii, I recommend that you take a look. The site is impressive with a wealth of information for everyone, from youth to veteran. It is broken down into easy to use tabs that direct you right where you need to go. If anything it would give comfort to someone who became unemployed recently. Businesses can register as well and post jobs or search for candidates.

If you want an all in one resource tool for employment in the State of Hawaii I would definitely use it.

Employer Value Propositions That Have Value, PART II

What kinds of EVP’s provide value to the employee?
In part II of this blog post I wanted to discuss some tips and trends to give your employer value proposition value. In my previous post I mentioned the importance of getting to know what your employees want through communication. I am willing to bet that the preponderance of your employees would agree that quality of life issues are high on their list.

Here is a short list of ideas that would qualify as valuable EVP’s

ROWE (results only work environment) judging you on performance not attendance.

Telecommuting for non-essential office personnel, this coincides with ROWE.

Recognition and rewards programs for superior performance

CEO open door policy and senior management

Career Counseling, (find out what your employees goals are and help them get there)

Most of these programs that I mentioned are fairly common but how many are you using? Are you promoting them to your employees, recruiting tools? The best way to get feedback on a specific EVP is to monitor its participation. If they are not using it get rid of it and replace it with something better. I have never been a fan of web based assessments or surveys, put a team together and get involved. Attitude is everything when you are putting together an EVP system and when you show your employees how important it is they will feel the value it immediately.