Archive for June, 2008

Honolulu Employment Branding Conference in the Works

Hawaii’s First Employment Branding Conference coming in 2009


 The Brand Management Group LLC  Honolulu’s only employment branding firm will be hosting an employment branding conference in March of 2009 as part of a Global Branding Tour with Brett Minchington, Managing Partner Collective Learning Australia, and co-founder of The Employer Branding Institute. The event itself will benefit CEO’s, HR, Marketing, Communications, PR, and Ad agency executives here in the islands.


Brett Minchington, Managing Director of Collective Learning Australia is an International employer brand strategist, and professional speaker. Brett’s expertise in Employer Branding led him to author “Your Employer Brand attract-engage-retain” in 2006 – the world’s most comprehensive guide to employer branding ever published and the first by an Australian business author.The book has since been sold in over 20 countries including USA, UK, Aust, Singapore, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, NZ and China with readers including executives from companies such as The McDonalds Corporation (US), Cirque du Soleil (Canada), PwC (Aust), JP Morgan (UK), Telstra (Aust), Deloitte (Aust), Madame Tussauds London (UK), BP (UK), Lion Nathan (Aust), Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) BHP (Aust), Carlsberg (UK) and Mercer HR (Aust).
As an in demand speaker and presenter Brett has delivered key note addresses, executive briefings and masterclass events to sold out audiences across Australia.
Brett is conducting an Employer Brand Global Masterclass Tour in 2007/2008 which includes Australia, Italy, London, New Zealand, Kuala Lumpur, Manilla, Dubai, Singapore, India and USA. Brett will share the latest developments in employer brand strategy, design, communications and metrics to executives in these regions.

Brett has also written for a number of leading HR and Management publications around the world on employer branding including ERE Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership (USA) Human Resource Magazine (Aust), Personnel Today (UK), Executive Grapevine (UK), Human Resources (New Zealand), Human Capital Magazine (Aust) and HR Professional (Canada).

Brett’s latest book “University means Business” will explore how organisations are enhancing their employer brand with Universities to maximise employment outcomes for students.



 The event which is tentatively scheduled for mid march 2009 will have a few locally noted industry experts such as Mike Nale, Managing Partner The Brand Management Group LLC. The event will be the first of its kind here in Honolulu.  For more information on event sponsorship/partnership or other questions please contact


Trump Tower Waikiki Jobs?

Opening in 2009 but what about the jobs?


The Trump Tower Waikiki is set to open in 2009 with the site boasting a “Devoted staff will enhance your experience”. This means jobs but how many? What types, and the most important question, when and where can you apply? Well the details seem hard to come by right now and after checking at Trump’s employment site, and various other sources I have come up empty handed.


We have other brands opening up in Hawaii around the same time and they have already started recruiting. Trump Tower Waikiki is a fee simple condo but it will have amenities that require staff. As soon as I find something out you will see it here.



Are you struggling to find a job in Hawaii?

What seems to be the problem?


Are you applying everywhere with no avail? Hawaii still has one of the lowest rates for unemployment in the nation and while jobs do exist, so does the competition. You may find yourself sending resume after resume, so what gives? Well there could be a number of reasons from a wider selection of candidates available to companies right now, or the occasional misinformed job seeker.


If you are not getting the results you want than perhaps it is time to change tactics. You can have more than one resume, broaden your search, and brush up on your interviewing skills. What ever you decide to do, don’t give up! It is competitive out there, and in a slow economy employers can move even slower when selecting a candidate. In any case try not to do the same thing everyone else is. In Hawaii you need to network, meet people, and spend time developing these relationships. The one thing you do not want to do is rely only on the job boards only. Hawaii is best noted for “it’s who you know” and that can work in your favor. So get out, meet people, and ask for help.


In order to save time you can send out “feelers” short emails, or blind submissions, (emailing your resume even when an opening is not advertised) don’t assume it is a waste of time. The job you want in Hawaii is here for the willing, just don’t give up. Also make sure to speak with the staffing agencies or search firms here. Finally Hawaii has lost a lot of local talent to mainland companies over the years, primarily because of lower salaries, or less opportunity. Times are changing though and with more and more brands moving to Hawaii you just might find what you’re looking for soon enough.



Employment Branding and Defining your Image

Figuring out where you need to go and what you need to do NOW.



How employees or candidates see you is no different than how consumers see you. Does your brand reflect quality, reliability, and integrity? A strategic audit can provide value based metrics, analysis, competitor research, and identify problem areas, but defining your image in the eyes of the people who work for you can change everything in a big way.


Creating buzz is so important now days because we follow trends, and so they will follow you if you can define it. So what kind of buzz do you want to create? An employment brand that is flexible, provides the most choices, or how about the best training? It can be anything you want it to be. If you’re a just beginning the road is long and arduous, but well worth it. You cannot be everything so be unique, be different, and be a brand. Defining your image today is so important in attracting top talent, and retaining the ones that you have, but what if you are having trouble figuring out you’re image in this world of work, what can you do?


Hiring an outside firm like The Brand Management Group LLC to perform this task is usually the best way to go, but if you’re not in the market for professional consultation right now, is there is still hope? Yes, ask yourself these questions.


  • What does my company represent to the workforce?
  • How can I improve that image?
  • What are your goals in one, three, and five years?
  • Do those goals align with an employment branding strategy?


These questions are important because they address the most fundamental answers to the employment branding question. What do you represent? Are you a stepping stone to better opportunities or the best opportunity? Do you need some work to improve your image, and how? Do the long term goals of the company take into account the employment branding strategy, if not why? How can you align? Thinking about what your represent and how you can do better, with the future in mind will provide you with the best profile of your image, and through those actions, defines you as a strong employment brand.


Most companies these days are in fight to get the best people to work for them, and if you have a plan in place you will start to develop an image that represents the best company to work for. That will keep you on the road of reliability, loyalty to your employees so they are loyal to you, and finally integrity. These days too many companies break their promises to their employees, they lack integrity and when that happens, the road back is much longer then the one you took to achieve that great reputation to begin with.


Mike Nale

Managing Partner

The Brand Management Group LLC






Great Resource for Military and Vets looking for Work

Excel Guide with 186 resources for Military and Veteran’s


 My brother who works as a Career Counselor up at Camp Smith sent me an excellent resource for veterans who are looking for work. I uploaded it on as a shared file, and can access here . The excel sheet has 186 links to various on-line job boards and other resource sites for our men and women in the military. I am not sure who developed this sheet but it is very comprehensive. If you are a veteran or you’re currently in the military you may find this list very helpful. If you have any trouble downloading the list let me know and I will email it to you directly.




Business Network International Hawaii Review


Who are they? What do they do?


Upon arriving at Dave and Busters at Ward Center I asked where the BNI (Business Network International) meeting was at. I was told in a small conference room upstairs. My usual suspicion when attending any networking event was that they had just a few members, or there was some other catch. I couldn’t have been more wrong with BNI. An on-line search led me to discover them, and when I walked into the room at D&B it was crowded with over 30 people.


They come from various industries, finance, insurance, IT, automotive, construction, accounting, and even a massage therapist. The lunch consisted of chicken or pasta, salad, breadsticks, and drinks. Everyone seemed to mingle in the room smiling and talking story. After everyone was seated different members came to the podium highlighting attendees, and visitors. They also asked or offered referrals, gave tips, and thanked others. A ten minute presentation was conducted at the end by one person about their service, and tips or advice. It was comfortable and not intrusive. A new presentation is given each week by another member. They each have stories, like one member who while pursuing another part time career, left her job of 18 years with the airlines. She went on with the help of BNI members and became a successful entrepreneur.


The presentations were short and to the point. The person behind the recent BNI buzz is Joann Seery, Executive Director, BNI Hawaii who bought the franchise in 2003. Joann mentions that BNI has grown from 4 chapters and 60 members then, to 23 chapters and 500 members today. Chapters are currently located on Oahu, the Big island, and Maui, with Kauai in the works. They meet weekly at various chapter locations throughout the island. I asked Joann what was most rewarding, “Seeing the changes that BNI makes in people lives. I have seen small start up companies that were struggling, to these same businesses having to hire people because their business has grown. I also find it tremendously rewarding when our BNI members grow professionally. Many start off struggling to speak in front of a group of people and transform to be articulate public speakers.”


My review of BNI is a definite thumb’s up. If you are interested in finding out more about them you can go to their website at or email them at







Employment Branding during Recessions are Worth the Risk

This is the perfect time to capture market share with top talent.


By Mike Nale



The economy is slow, gas prices are through the roof, and it is causing problems everywhere, so what can you do? Branding your business as the best in town during a recession has its challenges. Employees are looking for jobs closer to home or something better to offset the recent pillage of their pocketbooks.


So how can you really set your brand apart during these tough economic times? The answer is simple, don’t panic! The goal of any company right now is to reduce operating costs, all while trying to maintain or increase profit, but what if that’s not enough? What if the goal you have in mind right now is really going to hurt you in the long run? Would you be willing to take a risk? Increase while everyone else is decreasing? That is precisely what I am telling you to do.


I am not telling you to waste money but growth during a recession in order to promote your brand is important, and talent is the key to growth. “It is well documented that brands that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good times” says John Quelch, a professor at Harvard Business School. This is true with respect to recruiting. Branding your company as the best place to work during a recession is critical to the process, trust me top talent is looking, especially now. When you start to grab these players during a recession it will positively impact productivity, so whether you are a search consultant advising clients, or an HR executive, you need to think about this scenario as a way to impact your business over the long term, in a positive way. Employees these days are looking for ways to cut costs, so help them do it before they look somewhere else.


Branding your business as the place to work during a recession can be accomplished if you start with a simple plan first and let it evolve.


  • Maintain or increase advertising for key employees. (Profit Builders)
  • Implement 4 day work weeks or ROWE to reduce operational costs without hindering performance or productivity.
  • Provide greater choices with benefits to reduce costs (example), preventive health programs reduces insurance costs, and medical bills.  
  • Consider telecommuting for certain employees to reduce commuting expenses.
  • Promote innovative employer value propositions not standard benefits
  • Make a recruitment video and link it to your website, postings, and ads.
  • Market these benefits rigorously


Small and medium size businesses will benefit the most, but if you can provide an image that highlights stability, security, growth, and innovation during economic uncertainty than you will see a shift in the attitude toward your company. Maybe you were already thinking about this but as the great Morpheus says in “The Matrix” there is a difference between knowing the path and walking the path. Have a nice stroll!






Marketing You.101- Tips on a Successful Career Search


Why would a company be excited to hire you, or make them think that you would be a great team member?


By Sally Raade, Staffing Consultant /  Website:  


On any given workday, many job seekers are interviewing for the same position. How you do during the interview can often determine whether you get the job or not. It takes lots of preparation in order to successfully “Market Yourself”, and to make sure that you will stand out among the other job seekers.


Many job seekers don’t realize that they must treat their career as if it is a specialized business. Your career search is similar to a business trying to find the right client to market their specialized services to.


Let’s start with Step 1: Doing research about the companies that are currently hiring.  First, read the job description and ask yourself, “Is this in line with what I’m looking for in my career search?” “Do I have the required skills to do the job?”  “Am I interested in working in the type of business that the company is in?” “ Do I believe in what the company does? “  It’s this last question that is the most important factor in determining if the company is the right one for you.


Step 2: Once you have identified the companies that have positions you are interested in then it is time to start marketing yourself. Write a cover letter. This will be the tool that will help market your skills to a company. This is what the company will read first, before looking at your resume. If you do a good job of marketing yourself in the cover letter the company will look closer at your resume.


Step 3: The next step would be to review your current resume.  Is it up to date?  Is it in a format that makes it easy to read?  And most importantly, “does it contain information about your experience and skills that will show the company that you are a good candidate for the specific position?”  If you were able to secure an interview, then your resume, and your cover letter, did their job.  


Before going to an interview, plan on how you are going to market yourself to the company.  Think of what the interviewer will be looking for and try to have the right answers.  Ask yourself these questions, “ What skills may be the most important to have for the position?”  “Can I save the company time and money? “  “Or can I make money for the company?” 


During the interview, you are being assessed on how you will perform the job in relation to the company’s objectives.  Be prepared to explain why you are the right person.

Be confident and you won’t have any problem selling yourself to the interviewer to

show that you have the most to offer over other candidates.  Your responses should

be concise.  Use specific examples to illustrate your point whenever possible


Listen to what the interviewer is saying or asking you. The interviewer is attempting to determine whether you have the specialized skills and the personality the company needs, and you are attempting to determine if the company is the right company for

your career.  Both parties are trying to get as much information as possible in order to make those decisions.







Let the interviewer know that you are motivated, honest, detail oriented, have the ability to multi-task, and have good organizational skills, etc.  Some people have these traits, but what makes you stand out is the fact that you want to contribute to the company, rather than just be someone who does their job.  Let them know that as a team member, you would always work to achieve the company’s goals.


At the end of the interview thank the interviewer, ask if there is anything else that the company needs to know about you, and what the next steps are. Tell the interviewer that you’re looking forward to hearing from him/her regarding the decision.


If you don’t think there’s a good fit, say so.  The interviewer will remember you as an honest person.  Perhaps the company will have a position in the future that is a good fit.


If you use these tips you will stand head and shoulders above most job seekers.


Just remember, the better job you do at marketing yourself, the better the results will be. The same as it is with any business.

Hawaii would benefit with a 4 day work week.

4 day work weeks would have a positive impact here in Hawaii.


I recently read an article titled, “The Four Day Work Week: Sixteen Reasons Why This Might Be an Idea Whose Time Has Come”, on The Oil Drum. I think Hawaii and the nation would benefit in so many ways, if we can wean ourselves off of the notion that we must be at work five days a week.


The fact is that most of us waste that extra time in the office on other things anyway. This goes back to my support on ROWE or results only work environment. The benefits to companies locally would be tremendous, as a few are pointed out in the article above. My personal favorites are a positive impact on our environment, and decreased operational costs for businesses. We need to look at alternatives as a state, and as business leaders to improve our economy. The four day work week, while not an option for every business here in Hawaii, can still make an impact on multiple levels.


On the flip side of this idea there are those who are not in favor of 4/10. I am not sure why though, because most of the professionals I know work 5/10 or 5/12 anyway. There are a lot of benefits to the 4/10 work week, so it may be worth researching if it is compatibility with your company.

Try Pacific Business News for your next on-line job search

         PBN has opportunities listed on their site. Are you looking?


You may use Monster, Careerbuilder, and Craigslist but have you checked out Pacific Business News? If not than you might have some luck expanding your job search to other sites like PBN. They lists 240 postings as of today. Check it out.