Archive for July, 2008

JOB FOX Online Job Board Review


A new type of on-line job board


The slogan is “Be the hunted” and with a different way to match you up with a position that suites you Job Fox is anything but typical. The site was founded by Robert McGovern, who is also the founder and former CEO of CareerBuilder.


The site itself is very easy to use and will ask you a series of questions after you have uploaded your resume into the Job Fox resume reader. The resume reader intelligently extracts information from your resume and plugs it into relevant fields on MY JOB FOX PAGE. You are matched using something called 10 dimensional matching. Additionally your resume is fully trackable, which means you’ll know when and who looks at your resume. You can even have a text message sent to your mobile phone when someone reviews your resume. I have not heard of a lot of companies or job seekers using Job Fox in Hawaii, but since it is fairly new only time will tell. The best part is that it’s free for job seekers and you can keep your information private. I tried the program out myself and I give it two thumbs up! The recent trend in social networking sites has created a lot of interest in using sites like Facebook or LinkedIn to network for jobs. The great thing about Job Fox is that it allows you to create a profile page similar to a social networking site. If you have not tried out Job Fox and you are looking for another site, I recommend that you give it a try.







Use On-line Social Networking Sites to Find Work.

On-line social networking gives you direct access to the hiring manager


Are you posting resumes on all of the on-line job boards to no avail? If so then you might want to give on-line social networking try. I can tell you from experience that it is not uncommon for you to submit your resume on-line and it will never reach who it was intended for, why? A lot of companies use applicant tracking systems to handle their resumes, and two problems exist with this technology. 1. You answered a screening question incorrectly therefore your resume is not forwarded. 2. The system received too many responses and the recruiter or HR manager may have overlooked it.


When this happens an exceptional candidate can be lost. A great way to get around this is with on-line social networking groups like LinkedIn , Zoom Info , Facebook , or Recruiting Blogs. These sites provide you direct access to hiring managers, human resources, or recruiters in many different companies or organizations. You can navigate these sites and identify the people you are looking for so that you can send your resume directly to them. It is the latest trend with unemployment on the rise nationwide.  The competition is tight and you need every advantage possible to get the job you want. On-line social networking sites provide a much less formal atmosphere as well. If you are looking for another way to prove you are the best person for the job then give on-line social networking a try, it just may land you the job.


Some tips


·         Create a profile that highlights your experience

·         Have a professional photo

·         Be honest about what you are looking for

·         If you have a video resume use it

·         If you are emailing someone about a job ask if you can email your resume directly to them.

·         Grow your network



These simple tips will help you attract attention fast so that you can identify something quickly. It takes time but with persistence and creativity it can pay off. Good Luck


How Do You Feel About Your Company?

2008/2009 Hawaii Employment Branding Survey. Tell us what you think


The Brand Management Group LLC has partnered up with The Employer Branding Institute to conduct an Employment Branding Survey of Hawaii. In preparation for the 2009 Hawaii Employment Branding Conference scheduled to be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village we would like your feedback on issues that concern you in today’s workforce. The survey is private and you will not have to share any personal information. If you would like to see the results of this survey you will have a chance to request it when you are finished. It will only take about five to ten minutes of your time.


Employer Brand Survey


Thank you for your help.




Careers through the Hawaii Laborers Training Program

An apprenticeship program that provides training, benefits, and excellent pay



If you are looking for a career then the Hawaii Laborers Training Program has an interesting path, free training, school, and on the job training with pay. The requirements 18 years old, High School Diploma or GED grade 10 equivalent, and commitment. I have seen a lot of news lately about the construction industry and I decided to do a piece on the Hawaii Laborers Training program. The program is managed by Laborers’ International Union of North America Local 368 which represents members working in construction, environmental, remediation, maintenance, food service, health care, and other occupations, as well as state, local and municipal government jobs and as mail handlers with the U.S. Postal service.


The interesting thing about their training program is that it is essentially a free program that will provide you with a job, education and a certification in a booming industry. I spoke with training at the main office and I was provided some details, much of which is available on their website. Basically it is about 2 years long with a combination of classroom and on the job training that provides the necessary skills to obtain a certification and higher pay. They will also provide you with job placement. The first year pay starts at $13.10 per hour and looks to cap out around $15.72 half way through. Once you have completed the course and you are certified the pay goes up. I was given a ballpark figure of around $23-$28 per hour based on level and seniority.


The great thing about this program is that there is little or no investment. Once you are excepted into the training program (approx 3 month waiting list) you will pay some small union dues, one time registration, all ranged between $28-$35 dollars but you will already be working at the time. You will only be paid during work and not during classroom time. That beats paying for tuition though. Sure not everyone is cut out for construction but if you are a hard worker and you’re looking for free training, benefits, and a career this may be for you. Hawaii has a booming construction industry so there is work available, check their site at or call (808) 455-7979 for more information.





Stop & Go Jobs on the Honolulu Rail Project

What a mess!


Stop or Go whatever your preference I would like to talk briefly about the impact the rail project will have on employment in Hawaii. Before I get started both sides have an interesting argument. Stop Rail Now supports telecommuting, Go rail the supporters of the project are all in favor for the supposed 9,100 jobs the project could generate over nine years. I am surprised the City has not embraced telecommuting at this point it is good, in any case. I have always supported telecommuting options.


Sean Hao, staff writer at the advertiser wrote a good article on the 9,100 jobs the project will create. Sean points out in his article how employment is affected on both sides. If the project moves forward some businesses will be affected, if the project halts than all of those jobs will go away. The slowing economy has hurt the construction industry nationwide so this project from an employment standpoint couldn’t hurt. The folks at stop rail have valid concerns. It is one of those situations where I sit back and say to myself “what a mess”.


The impact for Hawaii’s economy can be nothing short of good when you create 9,100 jobs, that’s not rocket science, and with expected slower growth over the next decade this could be the shot in the arm the state needs. On the flip side I am not looking forward to more delays, more eye sores, and more taxes. When I think of how much the state has grown in the past 10 years it feels a bit scary. The fact remains though, Honolulu is a growing city, and embraces new technology, better service’s, and new business, if we are going to continue that growth we need to have better public transportation, and that means jobs.