Archive for August, 2008

You’ve Heard of the Beachwalk, Now Take a Stroll Down the Job Walk!

Waiting around for the next job fair? Why wait? If you are still trying to find employment, tuck 30 resumes in your business brief, don yourself in your sharpest aloha business attire, and take a job-walk through breezy Waikiki. Waikiki is packed with global brands and storefronts. Although tourist numbers are dipping, many of these companies are still looking for sharp talent that can stay for the long term. And don’t let parking scare you — it’s getting better. Expect to network with many of the managers on the spot, so be prepared with your resumes and some pre-prepared answers to common interview questions.

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Employment Branding Basics, Actions Speak Louder than Words

A basic understanding of the employment brand strategy and action



Have you heard these buzz words? Dynamic company, respected and valued, or how about team oriented environment? Sure they sound great but does it really mean anything to the employee? Today what you do has a far greater impact on your employer brand than anything else. We are consumers by nature and so naturally we want to be inspired, motivated, and happy, but are you doing anything to support those statements, literally?


We live in a faced paced world surrounded by media, and with so much information coming in it is hard to differentiate from the next guy. We all say that we are dynamic and team oriented but supporting those statements seem to be lacking everywhere. Driving your employer brand through action is not a quick process, it takes years to establish a reputation as the employer of choice, so rather than waste your time thinking up compelling statements you need unprecedented action, that’s what creates buzz. This action will not come easy either employer surveys need to be conducted, feedback needs to be calculated, and pilot programs need to be implemented. It sounds like a lot of work but as I mentioned above this is not something you can do in six or eight months. What you are doing is re-establishing a relationship with your employees while you are conducting employment brand research. You communicate a lot through action and your employees will take notice.


The economy of today has put an even greater strain on businesses and with operating costs on the rise employment brands suffer as a result. There is no better time for action then the present, but can you do something besides talk about it? These programs cost money and what is the greater impact by doing nothing at all, or reductions? Understanding how action relates to the employer brand is critical so whether you are looking at programs now or an employer brand audit is being conducted taking that action will truly speak louder than words.


If you have not implemented an employment brand strategy then I urge you to do so. Today a job seeker is not unlike a consumer, they are shopping. If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. They need positive feedback from the people who work there, other consumers. We want to feel good about who we work for, but no matter how many times you say it’s a great place to work ask yourself this, is it? Employment branding is still new to some companies and with fast moving markets, tough competitors, and lack of patience doing the wrong thing can be just as damaging as nothing at all. Keeping the brand promise to your employees is just as important as a promise to the consumer. If you are implementing an employment brand strategy keep these four touch points in mind, values, difference, delivery, and choices.


Values; does your employment brand operate on an established set of employment brand values, I.E. (Our #1 asset is the employee), or (Internal growth equals success).


Difference; having a truly unique identity as an employer, I.E. (Leading our industry in employee professional development), or (Having more benefits than our competitors always)


Delivery; Employment brand recruiting videos, direct mail, recreational events, new employee sponsors, after hours job fairs


Choices; having a broad and diverse set of choices for benefits, schedules, and working environment, choices mean flexibility and freedom.


Two of these four touch points address the problem with conventional recruiting today in communicating your employment brand. They lack organizational values and delivery of your employment brand. It is hard to communicate your employment brand values through a third party or recruiting agency effectively unless you involve them in your strategy. This brings up coordination and collaboration between HR and Marketing & Communications. An effective employment brand strategy can be put into place by creating a strategic partnership between HR and Marketing. Advertising today has seen an increase and focus on the employee, companies are taking notice, but without an effective strategy it may be just more talk. HR and Marketing collectively can provide an employment brand strategy that works. The action truly speaks louder than words and when you implement an employment brand strategy the people that you attract and retain will be unprecedented.  


Finally, it is important to note that there are no set of rules in place to design a successful employment brand, this gives you the freedom of creativity. You have a basis for starting implementation, an understanding, and through research, partnerships, communication, and action a truly unique employment brand will speak volumes.


Online “Work at Home” Garbage Clutters Job Boards

Beware of online work at home schemes


You can hardly browse many of the online job boards these days without seeing “Work from Home” cluttered among the real employment ads. So what’s the deal? Is it legitimate work? In most cases they are just there to collect money from you, offering work at home software or a training program.


It has really cluttered up a lot of the larger more well know job sites these days, and it’s annoying. We pride ourselves on leaving out that garbage here on Help Wanted Hawaii. If you are looking for legitimate work keep this in mind, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A majority of work at home schemes have the same message, they promise you wealth as long as you make some sort of purchase. Job seekers beware if you would like to work from home it takes hard work, patience, and persistence. The next time you browse an online job board remember, you should never have to pay anything to get a job. Our advice is to do your homework before you commit to anything that says “Work from Home”, and never pay a fee. Aloha
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What is your current situation?

Hawaii’s Hottest Jobs thru 2009

What jobs are hot and what’s not


According to the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations the employment outlook for Hawaii thru 2009 is only expected to grow about 0.7% annually. This may sound like a cause for concern but considering some of the mainland states employment forecasts we are in pretty good shape. It has been a tough year so far with the loss of two cruise ships and two airlines. That combined with a slow economy and rising fuel costs has caused some industries to slow down, I.E. Hospitality and Tourism.


The biggest winners are healthcare and education which will provide the most jobs. Construction will see some growth too, despite a cooling economy. This is due to federal and military contracts. There is a small increase in retail according to the report of about 0.34 percent or 470 jobs and this is due to the arrival of mainland retail giants Target and Whole Foods Market. Jobs in Information Technology will see growth too. The report also lists the fastest growing occupations as Computer Software Engineers, Applications 4.39%, Home Health Aides 3.59%, Network Systems & Data Communication Analysts 3.51%, and First Line Supervisors/Mgrs. of Firefighting & Prevention Workers 3.26%. When you read these reports it may look like doom and gloom but companies here in Hawaii are still looking to hire, keep that in mind when conducting your job search.


Click here to view the DLIR report 


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How to Use Help Wanted Hawaii

Help Wanted Hawaii is a simple and convenient website, and Hawaii’s largest online employment directory. We make it easy by providing the most comprehensive list of employment resources available, so that you can find a job. The great thing about Help Wanted Hawaii is that you can access everything you need right here on this page.  We list every online job board, staffing agency, and employment resource that is available to find work in Hawaii. It is 100% FREE and no registration is required. Our staff screens each job so that it is genuine employment here in Hawaii. We do not post those annoying work from home ads or scams asking you for money. Help Wanted Hawaii only posts legitimate employment.


Simple and convenient is what we provide. We are constantly receiving job postings from employers locally, and we are improving the site as well. So how do you use Help Wanted Hawaii? Just click on the jobs or links you want and get the information you need, Fast!