3 Misunderstandings about Job Websites

Commom Assumptions about Job Websites

1. Websites like Monster.com and Careerbuilder.com list all available jobs in my area, (This is probably the biggest misunderstanding because employers have to pay to have their jobs listed on these sites. If you are only using Monster, Careerbuilder, Yahoo Hot Jobs, or other job websites you are missing alot of other jobs that are posted) Some companies prefer other websites, newspapers, social networks, or referral candidates. Make sure that you do not limit your search.

2. If I post my resume someone will see it and hire me, (Another common misunderstanding because with unemployment at record highs it is either stand out or step aside. Some recruiters and hiring managers are literally overwhelmed with responses and very few actually get screened properly. If you think you are the best candidate for the job you better prove it with your resume first and an interview as well. Resumes do not get you hired, they get you an interview.

3. If I pay for an extra service like a resume upgrade, background checks, or other paid assistance your chances of getting the job are better, not necessarily because if you know how to get your resume to the right person it will not cost you alot of extra time or money. The ability to source your profile correctly is a big plus, as well as a personally written resume that compliments your abilities. An extra service is not bad and the folks who provide these services are professionals, but you can still get the same results without spending extra money with a little effort.

Mike Nale, Founder, Helpwantedhawaii.info

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