Archive for July, 2009

Hawaii’s Unemployment Rate Steady at 7.4%

The numbers are out and Hawaii’s unemployment rate is holding steady at 7.4%. The US Department of Labor reported that Hawaii has 645,528 in the labor force with 597,783 employed, and 47,745 unemployed. Hawaii’s Economic Research Organization (UHERO) is forecasting that Hawaii’s jobless rate will continue to rise until it peaks over 8 percent in the middle of next year. They also expect that our jobless rate will average 7.5 percent in 2011. These are not encouraging numbers but as I have mentioned in the past people are going to start moving away to find work or go back to school as this goes on. Hawaii is an island so unlike the mainland where you can drive further and more opportunities exist options are limited. It is going to be a slow road ahead but we will pull through this. If you have questions or concerns you can contact us a Help Wanted Hawaii by posting in the forum or emailing us at

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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Hawaii’s Hiring Hot Spots

Finding a job these days is tougher than ever, maybe you think the internet is the only way to find a job, think again! Hawaii has plenty of jobs but only if your willing to get out and meet people, take a walk, and network. If your looking for some hiring hot spots then consider taking a stroll in Waikiki, Ala Moana, or one of the malls on any one of the islands. Since the flood of candidates this year due to record unemployment some companies have reverted back to the way people used to find employees, a HELP WANTED sign. You can hardly walk a block these days in Waikiki without seeing one, “Inquire Within” it says. These jobs are for the taking and with some confidence, proper attire, and a resume you may find yourself with a job yet. Since opening up the “Help Wanted Hawaii Sign Spotter” in our forum encourages users to let everyone know when you spot a sign, let our users know. It is just one more way for you to find employment, and fast.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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Governor Lingle or the Unions What do you think?

It is coming down to the wire and Governor Lingle said that pink slips will be going out soon if an agreement cannot be reached. It really isnt that complicated the Governor wanted furloughs and the unions wanted something else, and the court ruled against the furloughs. What is your opinion? Is the Governor right? Are the unions right? Is the court getting involved a problem? wants to know your thoughts on the situation. As many as 2,500 state workers could be given notice but union negotiators remain optimistic. hopes that all parties can come to a quick resolution for all.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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