Archive for ideas

Hawaii’s Hiring Hot Spots

Finding a job these days is tougher than ever, maybe you think the internet is the only way to find a job, think again! Hawaii has plenty of jobs but only if your willing to get out and meet people, take a walk, and network. If your looking for some hiring hot spots then consider taking a stroll in Waikiki, Ala Moana, or one of the malls on any one of the islands. Since the flood of candidates this year due to record unemployment some companies have reverted back to the way people used to find employees, a HELP WANTED sign. You can hardly walk a block these days in Waikiki without seeing one, “Inquire Within” it says. These jobs are for the taking and with some confidence, proper attire, and a resume you may find yourself with a job yet. Since opening up the “Help Wanted Hawaii Sign Spotter” in our forum encourages users to let everyone know when you spot a sign, let our users know. It is just one more way for you to find employment, and fast.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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Employment Branding and being different

Stop making excuses and go for it

I have read countless articles and blogs about employment branding and although many of them address definition and support very few actually talk about real solutions. The challenges that most companies face today is creating that image of stability and security all while trying to grow their business, and attract the best talent.

Is there a right approach? What can you do to truly separate your company from the rest and define yourself as the employer of choice? These are the questions you should be asking right now. Research is the key and no matter what you offer if it is the same as the next guy are you really different, or just along for the ride? I have always recommended that no matter what you do to establish your employer brand make sure that you are not doing the same thing as everyone else, your just wasting your time. This is a special time in our economy and whether you like it or not, now is the time to break free from the pact and make your mark.

The only rules are the ones that you create for you and your employees. Be different, be innovative, and be bold. If you are going against the grain that may be just what the doctor ordered. Today people get bored with the same old thing so why provide it. You can be different in many ways to establish your employment brand through changes in the perceived work psychology, remember you can be different. These differences attract the best people to work for you. Just look at Google! My advice for you today is simple stop making excuses because you think it should be a certain way it shouldn’t, don’t limit yourself, and don’t assume it will not work because nobody else is doing it. The creative ideas to define yourself as the employer of choice are endless but you have to put those thoughts into action.