Archive for jobs

Where the Jobs are in Hawaii

The Top Ten List of Industries and Occupations that have Promise.

Hawaii has promising industries and occupations that will provide you with stability, security, and a future.  We do have jobs, so where are they? A recession does not neccesarily mean that every sector and every occupation is in jeporady. We have compiled a top ten list of industries and occupations that will grow or sustain in this riddled economy.

We compiled this list by looking at what was posted by the local Department of Labor and what we have seen posted online, and the number of postings. If you would like to view the Top 50 List for Hawaii that was released by the Department of Labor you can view it here. The biggest opportunity is in Healthcare and Education which has always had a shortage of talent in Hawaii. If you are a Healthcare Professional or a Teacher you may find a wealth of opportunity here.

Top Ten Industries

1. Natural Resources and Construction

2. Education

3. Healthcare

4. Transportation

5. Utilities

6. Business Services

7. Hospitality

8. Financial

9. Government

10. Information Technology

Top Ten Occupations

1. Registered Nurses

2. Secondary School Teachers

3. Elementary School Teachers

4. Operations Managers (General)

5. Customer Service Representatives

6. Bookkeeper, Accountant, Auditor

7. Fast Food Works

8. Maids, Housecleaners

9. Retail Sales Persons

10. Waiters / Waitresses

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ING Direct is coming to Waikiki

The nation’s largest direct bank coming to Waikiki in the fall of 2008

After seeing Local Motion for so long at 1958 Kalakaua Avenue a bank would seem like an unlikely tenant for the location, but with so many local banks serving our ohana a mainland bank seems like a great fit for Waikiki and its visitors. ING Direct is not your typical financial institution, inspiring savings and a café environment as well. Who knows what the future holds for ING Direct and Hawaii. The only position open on their website right now is for a Café Sales Associate, but if you go on their website it will give you more details on the position.

The introduction of a new financial institution here in the islands with the brand recognition of ING direct will attract not only new customers, but employees from other banks looking for a fresh change. Cleo Brown a veteran financial executive will head Hawaii operations and lead ING Directs internet café and direct banking in Hawaii. Brown also mentions in a recent article in the Honolulu Advertiser that ING Direct already has more than 20,000 customers here.

They even have a video on their website. Check it out.

Kapolei looking good for future employment

The city is growing and so are the jobs!It is 7:30 am, you’re in your car heading Ewa on the H-1 and traffic is backed up. Ewa you say? This may not be too far off considering how Kapolei is growing. When you visit the Kapolei website they state that within the next 20 years 40,000 new jobs will be there. The site offer a lot of good information about what is coming Kapolei commons 2009, Target 2009, Hawaii Carpenters Union Training Center 2009, and much more.

Kapolei is the fastest growing job center in the state who knows what may be added to the production calendar in the future to boost that 40k. If you are looking to expand your job search check this site out. Kapolei will make a positive impact on employment in Hawaii without a doubt.

High Marks for HireNet Hawaii

Easy to use and packed with information for everyone, HireNet Hawaii gets a thumbs up!

If you have not been on the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations website HireNet Hawaii, I recommend that you take a look. The site is impressive with a wealth of information for everyone, from youth to veteran. It is broken down into easy to use tabs that direct you right where you need to go. If anything it would give comfort to someone who became unemployed recently. Businesses can register as well and post jobs or search for candidates.

If you want an all in one resource tool for employment in the State of Hawaii I would definitely use it.