Archive for Social Networking

Use On-line Social Networking Sites to Find Work.

On-line social networking gives you direct access to the hiring manager


Are you posting resumes on all of the on-line job boards to no avail? If so then you might want to give on-line social networking try. I can tell you from experience that it is not uncommon for you to submit your resume on-line and it will never reach who it was intended for, why? A lot of companies use applicant tracking systems to handle their resumes, and two problems exist with this technology. 1. You answered a screening question incorrectly therefore your resume is not forwarded. 2. The system received too many responses and the recruiter or HR manager may have overlooked it.


When this happens an exceptional candidate can be lost. A great way to get around this is with on-line social networking groups like LinkedIn , Zoom Info , Facebook , or Recruiting Blogs. These sites provide you direct access to hiring managers, human resources, or recruiters in many different companies or organizations. You can navigate these sites and identify the people you are looking for so that you can send your resume directly to them. It is the latest trend with unemployment on the rise nationwide.  The competition is tight and you need every advantage possible to get the job you want. On-line social networking sites provide a much less formal atmosphere as well. If you are looking for another way to prove you are the best person for the job then give on-line social networking a try, it just may land you the job.


Some tips


·         Create a profile that highlights your experience

·         Have a professional photo

·         Be honest about what you are looking for

·         If you have a video resume use it

·         If you are emailing someone about a job ask if you can email your resume directly to them.

·         Grow your network



These simple tips will help you attract attention fast so that you can identify something quickly. It takes time but with persistence and creativity it can pay off. Good Luck


Small Business Hawaii

A local business resource worth checking out.
Small Business Hawaii is a local website for small businesses here in Hawaii. The site has links to a lot of resources and though membership is required to take full advantage of SBH resources they do have events that are open to the public. I wish the website was a little better but it has excellent information and resources. The event with Dr. Mark Skousen will take place this week.
Dr. Mark Skousen of “Forecasts & Strategies” will be Small Business Hawaii’s featured speaker at the next SBH Sunrise Networking Breakfast to be held at 7 am on Thursday, May 29 in the Pineapple Room of Macys’ Ala Moana.Skousen’s topic will be focused on “Economic Empowerment.”This is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about the importance of an educated work force in Hawaii.Skousen, who is a recognized national authority on economics and investment is also a popular author. He has also organized a economic freedom conference in Las Vegas this July.In April, members heard from Read Aloud America’s Jed Gaines, who spoke on the benefits of literacy and its impact on your next employees.SBH Sunrise attendees enjoy a free exhibit area and introductions to boost their business.The public is welcome. Parking is free. Cost is $25 for members and their guests who register and pay in advance. The cost is $35 for non-members and at the door.

Global Pau Hana

I wanted to tell everyone about a site I found awhile back that is great for networking with Hawaii professionals called Global Pau Hana. Check it out here. If you are affiliated with Hawaii, this is the place for you to connect with kamaaina and former kamaaina. This is a community website, and the people of Hawaii know all about community.


Referrals it’s a good I.D.E.A to A.S.K

If you are looking for a good idea to generate referrals don’t forget to ask.

One of the greatest compliments you can receive as a recruiter is a referral. The referral means that you are a person of trust, you did a great job, your reputation is impeccable, and that was so wonderful can you do it again? The referral when working the right way can generate a majority of your business. It is an art form. In recruiting not everyone can generate referrals, but once you have tapped into this valuable resource it will pay you dividends well beyond your bank account.

The idea of generating referrals is really about relationships, and how you grow that relationship with integrity, trust, and care. The best way to build a strong referral base is with time, and attention to detail. In the old days recruiters had less to contend with, and generating referrals was a lot easier, but the recruiter today can face a multitude of challenges that makes establishing a good referral base a lot harder. These challenges are more competition, larger networks, and indifference. So how can you generate referrals consistently today?

If you want to get more referrals than you need to know that it is not about how many people you know but how well you know your people. Do you really know them? If you do not than you need to spend time getting to know them. They have value because you have a relationship with them in some way. They have information, their own network, and the ability to get someone who would otherwise not talk to you, to sit down and listen. To build on these relationships is a great way to generate referrals. It can be a phone call, lunch, coffee, or regular visits, but remember it takes time. One thing that I have noticed over the years is that most recruiters do not ask for referrals. I used to ask for three referrals from anyone who sat in my office. They are there for their own benefit so the last thing they are going to do is say “would you like a referral” you need to ask.

You see referrals are about maintaining your relationships consistently, doing a good job, and communication. It may seem simple to you, but how many recruiters do you know that are consistent with their network? We are dealing with larger networks these days so it is easy to get lost, or forget who you talked to. That is why difference is so important. I see a lot of indifference, and anyone who is different will stand out. That’s how you can beat the competition with referrals. My recommendation to recruiters who would like to build more referrals is to start with these seven techniques which I call the I.D.E.A to A.S.K. If you follow these tips consistently then you will start to generate a regular referral base. The great thing about it is that a large portion of these referrals will be passive candidates, and you may see a bit more passive/passive candidates than passive/active ones.

Identify: The first thing to do in order to organize your referral system is to identify everyone that you have worked with in the past either by placement or professional association. I like to make a list based on importance. Who can be referrers, and help me in the immediate future? Who are great networkers? The idea is to build a strong list not a large one. Once you have a strong list your web will grow wider with time.

Develop: As I mentioned earlier in this article referrals are about consistency in your relationships. You have to develop these relationships over time. It could take months even years to develop them but once you have developed a good relationship you can ask for referrals on a regular basis.

Entertain: I never ask for referrals without giving something first. I like to entertain my referrers with lunch, coffee, regular visits, and occasional networking events. If you entertain your referrers they feel obligated by human nature to return the favor. This will get them to pay attention to your needs and take an active role in helping you out.

Ask: Did I say ask? Ask, ask, and ask. The best way to get a referral is to ask, and you would be surprised how many times I have watched other recruiters forget to ask for referrals. Your opportunity deserves every chance it can get so make sure you ask. I would also put together a referral sheet that your candidates or professional network contacts can fill out.

Once you have your I.D.E.A in place than I would like you to A.S.K so that you can maintain these relationships and build on them. The biggest tragedy in recruiting is to ask for a referral and once you get what you want you forget the referrer all together. It is the quickest way to lose trust and credibility. The work you put into identifying and developing your referral base can be a big waste of time unless you follow these next three steps which I call A.S.K.

Appreciate: When you get a referral your appreciation for receiving that referral should not be based on whether or not the referral worked out. It should be based on the appreciation for your referrer taking action in order to solve your problem. If you can show appreciation they will continue to help you out.

Sustain: You also need to sustain these relationship by making regular visits, phone calls, cards, and meetings. If you do not then you will just be indifference, just like everyone else. The truth is that most recruiters do not sustain the relationship over time, and that can ruin what you have worked so hard to build. The best way to sustain your referral base is to schedule it like any other meeting on your calendar.

Keep: is two parts, 1.You need to keep asking for referrals always 2. If you follow the I.D.E.A to A.S.K you will keep these relationships strong and they will keep paying you over time.

The internet has some amazing sites that will connect you with just about anyone you are looking to connect with, and using these sites today can really make the difference in obtaining referrals, but you must never forget the most basic of people skills that will develop those relationships into a solid base of referrals. You cannot expect things to happen overnight but when you use a good I.D.E.A, and A.S.K you can beat the competition of larger networks and indifference.