Archive for 4 day work week

Hawaii would benefit with a 4 day work week.

4 day work weeks would have a positive impact here in Hawaii.


I recently read an article titled, “The Four Day Work Week: Sixteen Reasons Why This Might Be an Idea Whose Time Has Come”, on The Oil Drum. I think Hawaii and the nation would benefit in so many ways, if we can wean ourselves off of the notion that we must be at work five days a week.


The fact is that most of us waste that extra time in the office on other things anyway. This goes back to my support on ROWE or results only work environment. The benefits to companies locally would be tremendous, as a few are pointed out in the article above. My personal favorites are a positive impact on our environment, and decreased operational costs for businesses. We need to look at alternatives as a state, and as business leaders to improve our economy. The four day work week, while not an option for every business here in Hawaii, can still make an impact on multiple levels.


On the flip side of this idea there are those who are not in favor of 4/10. I am not sure why though, because most of the professionals I know work 5/10 or 5/12 anyway. There are a lot of benefits to the 4/10 work week, so it may be worth researching if it is compatibility with your company.