Archive for advice

Turn Off’s for Online Job Seekers

I can remember the good ol days when you actually walked around with a stack of resumes and visited employers, can you? These days though applying on-line is the way to find a job and with that application process comes certain turn offs, or problems that may be costing you top talent. When it comes to the internet, on-line job boards, or applicant tracking systems lets be honest, simple and fast is successful and slow and time consuming is a big turn off. If your looking for talent the best way for you to handle this situation is to allow for a simple initial application process, once you have screened these applicants a more thorough process is acceptable. A great example is when you visit an on-line job board and you have spent hours creating a profile masterpiece, only to be re-directed to the employers site to repeat the entire process over again. If you are relying on auto population for resumes you are creating another headache sure the resume populates, but then you have to spend an hour doing QA. Today job seekers want simplicity not redundancy. Another big turn off is missing salary information, if it is such a big secret then perhaps its not that attractive to begin with. My suggestion is to stop dodging what could drag out your interview process even longer when they reject your offer. Be upfront on-line! Finally if your posting a job on-line and your not getting many responses it could be your generic job posting. It may look like spam, no details, or lack of information. Be as descriptive as possible.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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A Local Staffing Agency or Search Firm can Help you find a Job.

If you have been applying for jobs online with no end in site you may want to look into one of Hawaii’s staffing agencies or search firms for your next job. Some companies in Hawaii prefer to use a staffing agency or search firm instead of posting jobs online. The largest and most well know staffing agencies or search firms are listed in our directory, Altres, Inkinen & Associates, and Olsten Hawaii are familar names around Oahu. If your looking for a job on Maui you may have heard of Aloha International Employment. Hawaii has over 45 different staffing agencies or search firms. We also have industry specific placement agencies such as Kahu Malama Nurses for Healthcare professionals. All of the agencies listed have professionals recruiters on hand to help you locate a job. These jobs range from temporary to permanent, contract, and direct hire. The service is free for job seekers and companies pay these agencies to find you.

To learn more about each agency and the jobs they have posted please visit our directory to right of this article under “Hawaii Staffing Agencies”, your next job may be something that is not posted on the online job boards.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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3 Misunderstandings about Job Websites

Commom Assumptions about Job Websites

1. Websites like and list all available jobs in my area, (This is probably the biggest misunderstanding because employers have to pay to have their jobs listed on these sites. If you are only using Monster, Careerbuilder, Yahoo Hot Jobs, or other job websites you are missing alot of other jobs that are posted) Some companies prefer other websites, newspapers, social networks, or referral candidates. Make sure that you do not limit your search.

2. If I post my resume someone will see it and hire me, (Another common misunderstanding because with unemployment at record highs it is either stand out or step aside. Some recruiters and hiring managers are literally overwhelmed with responses and very few actually get screened properly. If you think you are the best candidate for the job you better prove it with your resume first and an interview as well. Resumes do not get you hired, they get you an interview.

3. If I pay for an extra service like a resume upgrade, background checks, or other paid assistance your chances of getting the job are better, not necessarily because if you know how to get your resume to the right person it will not cost you alot of extra time or money. The ability to source your profile correctly is a big plus, as well as a personally written resume that compliments your abilities. An extra service is not bad and the folks who provide these services are professionals, but you can still get the same results without spending extra money with a little effort.

Mike Nale, Founder,

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10 Recession Job Search Tips

Give your Job Search a Makeover with 10 Simple Tips

Finding a job these days seems like a full time job and with fewer jobs posted the competition to get those jobs goes up. Here are some simple tips that you can use to invigorate your job search.

1. Have at least 3 different resume formats, Long, short, and specific.

2. Make sure to write your cover letter to each employer personally. A copy & paste format may be the quickest but not the best.

3.Try to indentify the source. Who posted that job?  Contact them directly, use sites like LinkedIn to find out who works in Human Resources or who the hiring manager is.

4. Expand your search. Moving may provide you with more alternatives.

5. Be flexible , I.E., I will pay for my own relocation, I will accept a lower level position.

6.Search other websites and company site career sections, and CareerBuilder are great sites but not the only ones with jobs, try other smaller job boards and the company website directly.

7.Sometimes old tricks do work!  Mail your resume on quality resume paper along with your online application, make phone calls, apply twice, be persistent.

8. Social Networking can get you a job,  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and ZoomInfo all provide you with access to recruiters and company executives directly.

9. Ask for help,  If things are stale talk to friends,colleagues, and hiring managers it is ok to ask for help and get a second opinion on your resume or search tactics.

10. Send a video resume or “Vesume” take a look at this article for tips.

It is a challenge to find a job these days and as the unemployment rate goes up so does the competition. The only thing you can do right now is to continue to refresh your search with difference, optimism, and a whole lot of patience. Try these tips above and see if they work for you. If you need help you can contact us at support and we will try to help you get on track. Good Luck


Mike Nale, Founder,

Bookmark and Share (Updates) Forum Section & Twitter has a Forum now due to the large number of comments we get on everything from opinions on the local and national job market, personal employment issues, and everything else. If you have something to say, this is where to say it. Are you looking for work but you do not want to post a resume yet? Post a short summary here. Are you upset because you have been looking for work for months now without getting work? Post is here. The forum is for everything else. We want to hear it.

We have also added some new sites this month under the Online Job Boards section as well as some additional links under Other Hawaii Employment Resources and Social Networks. is a part of  Twitter now under the name “808Jobs” you can follow us for regular job updates daily.


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Still No Job and Still Looking (My Personal Story)

Yes, believe it or not I am looking for work too. As some of you know The Brand Management Group (My own company) folded in Decemember 2008 because of the recession. My first year or 13 months with my start up. The website is all that is left and while many of you continue to look for work, I am looking as well. The pain is being felt everywhere. In the past two weeks I have personally sent out close to 70 resumes worldwide. Yes, from Honolulu to Dubai I have been working the job market, and it feels like a ghost town. I have had two interviews in the past two weeks to no avail. My search is for a Talent Management Executive, VP of Operations, HR Manager or Advisor, or Regional Director position. Since results have been slow I have even included lower paying and mid level management positions. It really isnt a suprise this is a trend we are seeing with professionals all accross the country. We have alot of talent and little opportunity so maybe this little post will turn up something. The only advice I can give at this point is not to give up, ever! We will all find work eventually. I hope that Help Wanted Hawaii dot Info can provide you with an easy to use resource for your Hawaii job search. Good Luck.

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Improving your employer brand without the ego

The ego can limit the success of your company so be conscious of it.

Everyone is important let me say that again, everyone is important. One of the biggest ways to destroy your employer brand is with an ego. I have seen it countless times through client engagements and it is killing business today. Opening your doors to everyone is important and though we are dealing with the most fundamental aspects of customer service that door swings from the inside as well.

Anytime you have a mind set on the physical, mental or social type of individuals that you want to work with your company you have limited your role in establishing a successful employer brand, the ego sets those limits. Are you really better because of social standing or industry? Are your requirements reflecting that ego? These are very important issues with respect to having a successful employer brand. A common mistake throughout the corporate world is that positions within a company must fit a mold that represents the professional image of that company and that attitude could be keeping you from truly getting the best talent to run your business or organization. A good example would be age, fashion sense, or previous employers. I am not saying that an ego based attitude fosters discrimination but it certainly parallels it.

An ego in your business is the same as a person with an ego and that attitude turns off people who work for you and those who want to as well. You may be the biggest in town you may be the best at the moment, but all that can change if you develop an ego that says no to employees, partnerships, or alliances based on that ego. The best way to improve your employer brand without the ego is to be conscious of it, have an open mind, listen when others turn away, and embrace change. The open door policy internally provides comfort not the attitude that I am more senior than you so make an appointment. The chain in management is always important but knowing the door is always open from senior manager to CEO brings about trust and equality.

If you think your business ego could be affecting your reputation than make some changes, provide training, and be conscious of it because, it could be holding you back from where you really want to be.

Employment Branding and being different

Stop making excuses and go for it

I have read countless articles and blogs about employment branding and although many of them address definition and support very few actually talk about real solutions. The challenges that most companies face today is creating that image of stability and security all while trying to grow their business, and attract the best talent.

Is there a right approach? What can you do to truly separate your company from the rest and define yourself as the employer of choice? These are the questions you should be asking right now. Research is the key and no matter what you offer if it is the same as the next guy are you really different, or just along for the ride? I have always recommended that no matter what you do to establish your employer brand make sure that you are not doing the same thing as everyone else, your just wasting your time. This is a special time in our economy and whether you like it or not, now is the time to break free from the pact and make your mark.

The only rules are the ones that you create for you and your employees. Be different, be innovative, and be bold. If you are going against the grain that may be just what the doctor ordered. Today people get bored with the same old thing so why provide it. You can be different in many ways to establish your employment brand through changes in the perceived work psychology, remember you can be different. These differences attract the best people to work for you. Just look at Google! My advice for you today is simple stop making excuses because you think it should be a certain way it shouldn’t, don’t limit yourself, and don’t assume it will not work because nobody else is doing it. The creative ideas to define yourself as the employer of choice are endless but you have to put those thoughts into action.

Employer Value Propositions That Have Value, PART II

What kinds of EVP’s provide value to the employee?
In part II of this blog post I wanted to discuss some tips and trends to give your employer value proposition value. In my previous post I mentioned the importance of getting to know what your employees want through communication. I am willing to bet that the preponderance of your employees would agree that quality of life issues are high on their list.

Here is a short list of ideas that would qualify as valuable EVP’s

ROWE (results only work environment) judging you on performance not attendance.

Telecommuting for non-essential office personnel, this coincides with ROWE.

Recognition and rewards programs for superior performance

CEO open door policy and senior management

Career Counseling, (find out what your employees goals are and help them get there)

Most of these programs that I mentioned are fairly common but how many are you using? Are you promoting them to your employees, recruiting tools? The best way to get feedback on a specific EVP is to monitor its participation. If they are not using it get rid of it and replace it with something better. I have never been a fan of web based assessments or surveys, put a team together and get involved. Attitude is everything when you are putting together an EVP system and when you show your employees how important it is they will feel the value it immediately.

Employment branding and recessions

When the smoke clears where do you want to be?
A colleague of mine Peter Sukonek, CEO of Big Gravity, a local branding firm recently wrote two articles on his blog about recession marketing. He refers to experts like Steve Abdalla and John Quelch about recession marketing. It is an excellent post and I recommend that you read it. Today I would like to expand on Peter’s article about recession marketing and how it applies to employment branding. Peter quotes John Quelch a professor at Harvard Business School,


“It is well documented that brands that increase advertising during a recession, when competitors are cutting back, can improve market share and return on investment at lower cost than during good times

The same applies with respect to employment branding. While I clearly differentiate employment branding and branding as two different models, it has all the same principles, so how does this apply to employment branding and recruiting? Typically those cut backs on advertising are also felt on recruiting, example (hiring freeze, no employment ads). This may not be the best road for a company during these slowdowns. You can seize market share during this slowdown by capitalizing on recruiting top tier candidates to increase profit by increased productivity. If you are looking to re-brand your image as “The Best Place to Work”, now is the time. The image of security and sustainability during economic slowdowns can be a powerful tool to get the best people to work for you.

Peter also quotes Steve Abdalla, VR Business Brokers, Honolulu, Key thought: Recessions are exceptional opportunities to improve strategic position.

Do not to hold back right now. You have a unique opportunity and a small window to improve your strategic position through employment branding. Be the place to work, the top choice for job seekers, and capture market share. The strongest employer value proposition (EVP’s) you can make right now is to validate your actions by offering more when everyone else is offering less. This identity not only attracts job seekers but consumers as well. A lot of companies figure they can cure the headache by cutting off the head, it just does not work. You are going to need the best people to make it through this. We have seen lay off after lay off with larger brands and although they will survive any long term damage to their reputation or profit, smaller companies may not be as fortunate. A strategic workforce plan can be implemented with the right marketing plan during a downturn that will allow for growth and opportunity with the best people, but companies that get tunnel vision and focus on short term solutions will never reach their long term goals.

Re-branding with employment branding during a recession does not have to be costly, but it does have to be done in such a way that will separate you from everyone else. Create visual interpretation and identity, and validate it now before your competition does. This recession might be the opportunity you need to establish position, but only for the willing.