Archive for conference

Honolulu Employment Branding Conference in the Works

Hawaii’s First Employment Branding Conference coming in 2009


 The Brand Management Group LLC  Honolulu’s only employment branding firm will be hosting an employment branding conference in March of 2009 as part of a Global Branding Tour with Brett Minchington, Managing Partner Collective Learning Australia, and co-founder of The Employer Branding Institute. The event itself will benefit CEO’s, HR, Marketing, Communications, PR, and Ad agency executives here in the islands.


Brett Minchington, Managing Director of Collective Learning Australia is an International employer brand strategist, and professional speaker. Brett’s expertise in Employer Branding led him to author “Your Employer Brand attract-engage-retain” in 2006 – the world’s most comprehensive guide to employer branding ever published and the first by an Australian business author.The book has since been sold in over 20 countries including USA, UK, Aust, Singapore, Denmark, Italy, Sweden, NZ and China with readers including executives from companies such as The McDonalds Corporation (US), Cirque du Soleil (Canada), PwC (Aust), JP Morgan (UK), Telstra (Aust), Deloitte (Aust), Madame Tussauds London (UK), BP (UK), Lion Nathan (Aust), Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) BHP (Aust), Carlsberg (UK) and Mercer HR (Aust).
As an in demand speaker and presenter Brett has delivered key note addresses, executive briefings and masterclass events to sold out audiences across Australia.
Brett is conducting an Employer Brand Global Masterclass Tour in 2007/2008 which includes Australia, Italy, London, New Zealand, Kuala Lumpur, Manilla, Dubai, Singapore, India and USA. Brett will share the latest developments in employer brand strategy, design, communications and metrics to executives in these regions.

Brett has also written for a number of leading HR and Management publications around the world on employer branding including ERE Journal of Corporate Recruiting Leadership (USA) Human Resource Magazine (Aust), Personnel Today (UK), Executive Grapevine (UK), Human Resources (New Zealand), Human Capital Magazine (Aust) and HR Professional (Canada).

Brett’s latest book “University means Business” will explore how organisations are enhancing their employer brand with Universities to maximise employment outcomes for students.



 The event which is tentatively scheduled for mid march 2009 will have a few locally noted industry experts such as Mike Nale, Managing Partner The Brand Management Group LLC. The event will be the first of its kind here in Honolulu.  For more information on event sponsorship/partnership or other questions please contact