Archive for Department of Labor

Hawaii’s Department of Labor Website

A good starting point for jobs in Hawaii is the Department of Labor’s website.  They have alot of good information to help you find a job with Hirenet Hawaii the State’s job website and links to information for anyone who is looking for work.  One great feature is up to date information right on the home page as well as information for employers. If you are registered with the State to collect unemployment then you are registered on Hirenet Hawaii, if your not I encourage you to use the website they list jobs that you cannot find anywhere else.

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8.1% or 12.5 Million Unemployed in the U.S.

A grim jobs report was released by the U.S. Department of Labor today announcing the unemployment rate at 8.1%. The total number of unemployed over the last six months is over 3.3 million the highest level in 25 years. The unemployment rate is expected to rise to 9% over the next few months can anyone say “double digits”?

Hawaii will most certainly see some more job losses to raise the last total released in December which was at 5.1%. All we can say here at is buckle up it is going to be a bumpy 2009. Our suggestion is to consider career changes, industry moves, and two part time positions if a full time job is hard to find. We are committed here at to helping in any way we can. If you are having trouble finding a job or need help with a resume or even some advice let us know. We are all in this together. Aloha

Mike Nale

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