Archive for Hawaii Jobs

Still No Job and Still Looking (My Personal Story)

Yes, believe it or not I am looking for work too. As some of you know The Brand Management Group (My own company) folded in Decemember 2008 because of the recession. My first year or 13 months with my start up. The website is all that is left and while many of you continue to look for work, I am looking as well. The pain is being felt everywhere. In the past two weeks I have personally sent out close to 70 resumes worldwide. Yes, from Honolulu to Dubai I have been working the job market, and it feels like a ghost town. I have had two interviews in the past two weeks to no avail. My search is for a Talent Management Executive, VP of Operations, HR Manager or Advisor, or Regional Director position. Since results have been slow I have even included lower paying and mid level management positions. It really isnt a suprise this is a trend we are seeing with professionals all accross the country. We have alot of talent and little opportunity so maybe this little post will turn up something. The only advice I can give at this point is not to give up, ever! We will all find work eventually. I hope that Help Wanted Hawaii dot Info can provide you with an easy to use resource for your Hawaii job search. Good Luck.

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Hawaii’s Best Online Job Board

Help Wanted Hawaii dot info has it all right here. We have every possible local Hawaii employment resource right on one page. We list all of the recruiting agencies, state and federal resources, as well as online job boards that list jobs right here in the islands. If your looking for work in Hawaii why go anywhere else? You can access everything right here online now. The best part is that we are FREE and you do not have to register. You can even post jobs FREE here on Help Wanted Hawaii dot info. Times are tough right now your job search shouldn’t be! Aloha

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