Archive for Hawaii Jobs Report

Hawaii’s Hottest Jobs thru 2009

What jobs are hot and what’s not


According to the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations the employment outlook for Hawaii thru 2009 is only expected to grow about 0.7% annually. This may sound like a cause for concern but considering some of the mainland states employment forecasts we are in pretty good shape. It has been a tough year so far with the loss of two cruise ships and two airlines. That combined with a slow economy and rising fuel costs has caused some industries to slow down, I.E. Hospitality and Tourism.


The biggest winners are healthcare and education which will provide the most jobs. Construction will see some growth too, despite a cooling economy. This is due to federal and military contracts. There is a small increase in retail according to the report of about 0.34 percent or 470 jobs and this is due to the arrival of mainland retail giants Target and Whole Foods Market. Jobs in Information Technology will see growth too. The report also lists the fastest growing occupations as Computer Software Engineers, Applications 4.39%, Home Health Aides 3.59%, Network Systems & Data Communication Analysts 3.51%, and First Line Supervisors/Mgrs. of Firefighting & Prevention Workers 3.26%. When you read these reports it may look like doom and gloom but companies here in Hawaii are still looking to hire, keep that in mind when conducting your job search.


Click here to view the DLIR report 


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