Archive for Job Advice

Are you struggling to find a job in Hawaii?

What seems to be the problem?


Are you applying everywhere with no avail? Hawaii still has one of the lowest rates for unemployment in the nation and while jobs do exist, so does the competition. You may find yourself sending resume after resume, so what gives? Well there could be a number of reasons from a wider selection of candidates available to companies right now, or the occasional misinformed job seeker.


If you are not getting the results you want than perhaps it is time to change tactics. You can have more than one resume, broaden your search, and brush up on your interviewing skills. What ever you decide to do, don’t give up! It is competitive out there, and in a slow economy employers can move even slower when selecting a candidate. In any case try not to do the same thing everyone else is. In Hawaii you need to network, meet people, and spend time developing these relationships. The one thing you do not want to do is rely only on the job boards only. Hawaii is best noted for “it’s who you know” and that can work in your favor. So get out, meet people, and ask for help.


In order to save time you can send out “feelers” short emails, or blind submissions, (emailing your resume even when an opening is not advertised) don’t assume it is a waste of time. The job you want in Hawaii is here for the willing, just don’t give up. Also make sure to speak with the staffing agencies or search firms here. Finally Hawaii has lost a lot of local talent to mainland companies over the years, primarily because of lower salaries, or less opportunity. Times are changing though and with more and more brands moving to Hawaii you just might find what you’re looking for soon enough.

