Archive for Job Fox

JOB FOX Online Job Board Review


A new type of on-line job board


The slogan is “Be the hunted” and with a different way to match you up with a position that suites you Job Fox is anything but typical. The site was founded by Robert McGovern, who is also the founder and former CEO of CareerBuilder.


The site itself is very easy to use and will ask you a series of questions after you have uploaded your resume into the Job Fox resume reader. The resume reader intelligently extracts information from your resume and plugs it into relevant fields on MY JOB FOX PAGE. You are matched using something called 10 dimensional matching. Additionally your resume is fully trackable, which means you’ll know when and who looks at your resume. You can even have a text message sent to your mobile phone when someone reviews your resume. I have not heard of a lot of companies or job seekers using Job Fox in Hawaii, but since it is fairly new only time will tell. The best part is that it’s free for job seekers and you can keep your information private. I tried the program out myself and I give it two thumbs up! The recent trend in social networking sites has created a lot of interest in using sites like Facebook or LinkedIn to network for jobs. The great thing about Job Fox is that it allows you to create a profile page similar to a social networking site. If you have not tried out Job Fox and you are looking for another site, I recommend that you give it a try.