Archive for Military

Marine Corps Base Hawaii Jobs

Plenty of Jobs available on Marine Corps Base Hawaii

Are you interested in working on Marine Corps Base Kaneohe or Camp Smith Hawaii? If so then you need to visit the Marine Corps Base Jobs website located here. A job on the base can be very rewarding with excellent pay, benefits, and in some cases COLA or cost of living allowance, more pay! They have alot of jobs in trades, recreation, food service, and retail. You do not have to be associated with the military to apply for these jobs, although preference is given to spouses of active or reserve military or veteran applicants. We have tracked this website for over a year now and we see new postings all the time. So what are you waiting for, you could be working with a few good men, and women! You can also call their Job Vacancy Line at 808-254-7619 for more information.

Aloha, Mike Nale, founder,

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Great Resource for Military and Vets looking for Work

Excel Guide with 186 resources for Military and Veteran’s


 My brother who works as a Career Counselor up at Camp Smith sent me an excellent resource for veterans who are looking for work. I uploaded it on as a shared file, and can access here . The excel sheet has 186 links to various on-line job boards and other resource sites for our men and women in the military. I am not sure who developed this sheet but it is very comprehensive. If you are a veteran or you’re currently in the military you may find this list very helpful. If you have any trouble downloading the list let me know and I will email it to you directly.