Archive for Networking

(NEW) Online Job Boards Added.

We added some new online job boards to our growing list of websites that list jobs in Hawaii please look at the list of (NEW) sites added below. You will notice that some job boards do belong to a larger network of online job boards or as in the case of or they all filter into one site making it convenient, similar to

Hawaii ( executive Network)

Hawaii Job ( Fostering Professional Growth in Hawaii)

Honolulu (Another site that is part of Network)

HR (Human Resource Jobs)

Human Resources (Human Resource Jobs another Network Job Board) (Similar to Craigslist excellent interface) (It Jobs Network)

Jobs for (Very good website for IT Jobs)

Jobs in (Network Job Board)

LinkedIn Jobs (If your not on LinkedIn check it out EXCELLENT!)

Some of the websites listed above are part of the job board network but they are industry or field specific. If you know of a website that lists jobs in Hawaii that we are not showing let us know by emailing us at


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Use On-line Social Networking Sites to Find Work.

On-line social networking gives you direct access to the hiring manager


Are you posting resumes on all of the on-line job boards to no avail? If so then you might want to give on-line social networking try. I can tell you from experience that it is not uncommon for you to submit your resume on-line and it will never reach who it was intended for, why? A lot of companies use applicant tracking systems to handle their resumes, and two problems exist with this technology. 1. You answered a screening question incorrectly therefore your resume is not forwarded. 2. The system received too many responses and the recruiter or HR manager may have overlooked it.


When this happens an exceptional candidate can be lost. A great way to get around this is with on-line social networking groups like LinkedIn , Zoom Info , Facebook , or Recruiting Blogs. These sites provide you direct access to hiring managers, human resources, or recruiters in many different companies or organizations. You can navigate these sites and identify the people you are looking for so that you can send your resume directly to them. It is the latest trend with unemployment on the rise nationwide.  The competition is tight and you need every advantage possible to get the job you want. On-line social networking sites provide a much less formal atmosphere as well. If you are looking for another way to prove you are the best person for the job then give on-line social networking a try, it just may land you the job.


Some tips


·         Create a profile that highlights your experience

·         Have a professional photo

·         Be honest about what you are looking for

·         If you have a video resume use it

·         If you are emailing someone about a job ask if you can email your resume directly to them.

·         Grow your network



These simple tips will help you attract attention fast so that you can identify something quickly. It takes time but with persistence and creativity it can pay off. Good Luck