Archive for online job boards Review

A website for jobs on Oahu Military Bases

If your looking for a job on one of the many military bases or facilities around Oahu then your going to want to check out The site lists jobs for MWR or (Morale Welfare & Recreation) which supports golf courses, clubs, bowling lanes, hobby shops, craft shops, automotive shops, lodging facilities, day care, youth programs, food service and much more. Our review of the site is favorable simply because it is easy to use allowing you to choose where and what you want to look for with ease.

It also allows you to select all which will show you everything. They have plenty of jobs available and since the military is not as impacted as the private sector is by the recession, they are hiring.  When you find the job you want to apply for it lists everything from qualifications and requirements to pay as well. In some cases a COLA, or (Cost of Living Allowance) may be included, more pay! The application process is simple and also shows the closing date. The one drawback of course with any military or goverment job is the lengthy interview process. It could be weeks if not months after the closing date before you finish the interview process and get the job. It will be well worth the wait though because their retention is high and it provides a stable secure career with excellent benefits and future advancement. is a great site if your looking to get a job on the base so check them out today and see if they have something for you.


Mike Nale, Founder,

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New Online Job Boards (Update)

If you have been watching our growing online  job board list we added four more new sites. These job boards do post positions here in Hawaii. Make sure to check back from time to time, we are always on the lookout for new online resources for job seekers to find work in Hawaii. If you know of an online job board or resource we are not listing make sure to contact us at  ( large online employment search engine ) ( New online Job Board, Webcam Friendly) (Community Based Job Board ) ( Green Jobs, Green Careers, Environmental Jobs )


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(NEW) Online Job Boards Added.

We added some new online job boards to our growing list of websites that list jobs in Hawaii please look at the list of (NEW) sites added below. You will notice that some job boards do belong to a larger network of online job boards or as in the case of or they all filter into one site making it convenient, similar to

Hawaii ( executive Network)

Hawaii Job ( Fostering Professional Growth in Hawaii)

Honolulu (Another site that is part of Network)

HR (Human Resource Jobs)

Human Resources (Human Resource Jobs another Network Job Board) (Similar to Craigslist excellent interface) (It Jobs Network)

Jobs for (Very good website for IT Jobs)

Jobs in (Network Job Board)

LinkedIn Jobs (If your not on LinkedIn check it out EXCELLENT!)

Some of the websites listed above are part of the job board network but they are industry or field specific. If you know of a website that lists jobs in Hawaii that we are not showing let us know by emailing us at


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