Archive for rail project

Stop & Go Jobs on the Honolulu Rail Project

What a mess!


Stop or Go whatever your preference I would like to talk briefly about the impact the rail project will have on employment in Hawaii. Before I get started both sides have an interesting argument. Stop Rail Now supports telecommuting, Go rail the supporters of the project are all in favor for the supposed 9,100 jobs the project could generate over nine years. I am surprised the City has not embraced telecommuting at this point it is good, in any case. I have always supported telecommuting options.


Sean Hao, staff writer at the advertiser wrote a good article on the 9,100 jobs the project will create. Sean points out in his article how employment is affected on both sides. If the project moves forward some businesses will be affected, if the project halts than all of those jobs will go away. The slowing economy has hurt the construction industry nationwide so this project from an employment standpoint couldn’t hurt. The folks at stop rail have valid concerns. It is one of those situations where I sit back and say to myself “what a mess”.


The impact for Hawaii’s economy can be nothing short of good when you create 9,100 jobs, that’s not rocket science, and with expected slower growth over the next decade this could be the shot in the arm the state needs. On the flip side I am not looking forward to more delays, more eye sores, and more taxes. When I think of how much the state has grown in the past 10 years it feels a bit scary. The fact remains though, Honolulu is a growing city, and embraces new technology, better service’s, and new business, if we are going to continue that growth we need to have better public transportation, and that means jobs.