Archive for resources

Great Resource for Military and Vets looking for Work

Excel Guide with 186 resources for Military and Veteran’s


 My brother who works as a Career Counselor up at Camp Smith sent me an excellent resource for veterans who are looking for work. I uploaded it on as a shared file, and can access here . The excel sheet has 186 links to various on-line job boards and other resource sites for our men and women in the military. I am not sure who developed this sheet but it is very comprehensive. If you are a veteran or you’re currently in the military you may find this list very helpful. If you have any trouble downloading the list let me know and I will email it to you directly.




Employer Value Propositions That Have Value, PART II

What kinds of EVP’s provide value to the employee?
In part II of this blog post I wanted to discuss some tips and trends to give your employer value proposition value. In my previous post I mentioned the importance of getting to know what your employees want through communication. I am willing to bet that the preponderance of your employees would agree that quality of life issues are high on their list.

Here is a short list of ideas that would qualify as valuable EVP’s

ROWE (results only work environment) judging you on performance not attendance.

Telecommuting for non-essential office personnel, this coincides with ROWE.

Recognition and rewards programs for superior performance

CEO open door policy and senior management

Career Counseling, (find out what your employees goals are and help them get there)

Most of these programs that I mentioned are fairly common but how many are you using? Are you promoting them to your employees, recruiting tools? The best way to get feedback on a specific EVP is to monitor its participation. If they are not using it get rid of it and replace it with something better. I have never been a fan of web based assessments or surveys, put a team together and get involved. Attitude is everything when you are putting together an EVP system and when you show your employees how important it is they will feel the value it immediately.