Archive for Reviews

Are you a Freelancer/Consultant? Try

If your a freelancer or consultant you may want to showcase your skills on website that caters strictly to those who are looking for this type of work. As outsourcing has grown in popularity for some companies so has contract work and is the worlds largest online marketplace. gives you the opportunity to create a profile, post portfolios of work, search projects, bid on projects, be rated, and also get paid through the service. The site has grown in popularity and was recently mentioned with high marks on CNN. If your a freelancer, consultant, or you would like to get into this kind of work is the place to go. On the flip side of that employers can also post jobs, review profiles, and portfolios. If your still looking for work in Hawaii and your a Guru at something this may be the website for you to find work.

Mike Nale, Founder,

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A website for jobs on Oahu Military Bases

If your looking for a job on one of the many military bases or facilities around Oahu then your going to want to check out The site lists jobs for MWR or (Morale Welfare & Recreation) which supports golf courses, clubs, bowling lanes, hobby shops, craft shops, automotive shops, lodging facilities, day care, youth programs, food service and much more. Our review of the site is favorable simply because it is easy to use allowing you to choose where and what you want to look for with ease.

It also allows you to select all which will show you everything. They have plenty of jobs available and since the military is not as impacted as the private sector is by the recession, they are hiring.  When you find the job you want to apply for it lists everything from qualifications and requirements to pay as well. In some cases a COLA, or (Cost of Living Allowance) may be included, more pay! The application process is simple and also shows the closing date. The one drawback of course with any military or goverment job is the lengthy interview process. It could be weeks if not months after the closing date before you finish the interview process and get the job. It will be well worth the wait though because their retention is high and it provides a stable secure career with excellent benefits and future advancement. is a great site if your looking to get a job on the base so check them out today and see if they have something for you.


Mike Nale, Founder,

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New Our Review

The new Monster website is excellent with an improved user interface and widgets it provides the job seeker plenty of tools on one page. Resumes are now easy to upload and maintain. The career goals portion was alot of fun as well. If you had any doubts about Monster in the past check it out now. Go online to now to Manage your Career.


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