Archive for Trump Tower

Trump Tower Waikiki Employment Update

I have not seen anything yet from Trump Tower Waikiki on employment. I contacted the staff at the site and I did not get any responses. I know that alot of you are interested in applying for work when they open this year, so I will continue to stay on top of this. If you know of anything please let me know by sending an email to (Note: Trump Employment is not associated with Donald Trump anymore since his resignation on February 14, 2009) you will not be able to find any job postings on the Trump Employment website, this is just for the Hotels & Casino that bear his name.

Aloha, Mike Nale, Founder,

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Trump Tower Waikiki Jobs?

Opening in 2009 but what about the jobs?


The Trump Tower Waikiki is set to open in 2009 with the site boasting a “Devoted staff will enhance your experience”. This means jobs but how many? What types, and the most important question, when and where can you apply? Well the details seem hard to come by right now and after checking at Trump’s employment site, and various other sources I have come up empty handed.


We have other brands opening up in Hawaii around the same time and they have already started recruiting. Trump Tower Waikiki is a fee simple condo but it will have amenities that require staff. As soon as I find something out you will see it here.

