Archive for video

Employment brand recruiting through video

Need talent? Why not make a video to recruit them



Technology has come along way, have you? It may come as no surprise to you that a lot of companies today still use the good old classified ads to type essentially the same thing as everyone else, but with a video camera and little creativity you will have a flood of candidates who would otherwise pass you up.


Using a recruiting video is really the most effective way to reach the people that you seek these days, so why aren’t you using it? Do you think it is too expensive? Maybe it is a hassle? No creative ideas? One of our services at The Brand Management Group LLC is to produce compelling, creative, and attractive productions for companies looking for talent, but if you are not in the market to use a service like ours you can still put together something that will bring more candidates.  An employment brand video or production is the way to go. Today with the competition running typed ads it makes sense to do something different.


The best production to recruit candidates will begin with an introduction from the CEO or interesting personality, company history, and employer value propositions. The goal is to create interest by showing your company in a positive way that inspires and motivates the viewer to want to be a part of your company or organization. I have always said “creating interest is half the battle”. A creative idea is limitless, comedy, inspiration, or stunning graphics can all create interest. If you are thinking about making a recruiting video internally I would suggest that you talk with people in your company who make video productions as a hobby, or talk with your generation Y employees, they are very tech savvy. In any case start considering videos as a way to recruit new talent. You can upload them on your website or You Tube and link it to your ad.


If you are considering employment branding options than consider video instead of typed ads. This is the time to seize the market, so start now before you’re just another video!

CBS: Video Resumes Hit Mainstream (4/26/2007)

CBS did a story on Video Resumes it is really good. Check it out!

How to Create a Video Resume

If you have been viewing more video resumes or what I like to call vesumes recently, then you are aware of a growing trend that is replacing the standard 8 ½ x 11 paper resume, and with the speed of technology in our future you are sure to see more.

Since I’m located in Hawaii, I have viewed a number of resumes as a part of my candidate searches and it gives me a better picture of the candidate. Here is my advice on what makes up a good video resume.

Video Quality. Just like a paper resume, presentation and quality are important, so attention to detail means a lot. A good quality video resume can range from someone who shot something from home on an old camcorder to a professionally shot video that could have been paid, for not unlike a resume service. These productions are much better and come with clear pictures, excellent sound quality, and an overall professional look.

Appearance. Did the person invest time and effort in making their vesume instead of sitting at one location and shooting the entire video?

Language and Business Acumen, Does the person on the video speak clearly and with the knowledge and business acumen that grabs your attention?

Substance. With most good vesumes you will have the following: Introduction; Objectives; History; Knowledge or Special Skills; Education; and a Summary. It won’t always come out exactly in this order, or you may be missing some of it.

Creativity. Perhaps the best thing about a vesume is the creativity that you see with what may otherwise be a standard candidate on paper. I like to see creativity, because generally speaking if it gets your attention it will get the client or hiring manager’s attention as well.

Background. You will notice a lot about the quality of the video just based on the background or location, and often something about the person.

Character. My favorite part of viewing these videos is that it shows the person’s character, and that may play a significant role in a good fit. It is a great way for candidates to show their stuff and be creative in the process.

Editing. Review it for mistakes, errors, accuracy, and content. If you are new to reviewing vesumes, you can miss critical errors like something in the background or something that was said or was not said. So if you are new to watching video resumes, watch them a couple of times. It will be clear after watching it more than once whether the candidate edited the video for content and clarity.

References. One of the best vesumes I have reviewed actually had three very credible and desirable references at the end of it. It went a long way toward presenting a very quality candidate.

Length. The best resumes are not epics. I like three to five minutes.