Archive for workforce

The Generation Y Workforce

The Gen Y employee can move your company ahead better, faster, and with style.

I am a Gen X and even though I think my own generation has a lot of similarities to Gen Y there are some differences. Today a lot of companies are headed by Gen X superstars but get ready because the next generation is already making a huge impact.

There are some interesting facts about the Y generation, 97% own a computer, 76% use instant messaging, 34% use websites as their primary source of news, and 44% read blogs. They are the wave of the future soaking up knowledge and information at a faster rate then previous generations, and they apply it with skill not to mention a little fashion and style. There is no doubt about it the Gen Y employee has a lot to offer but before you start recruiting them at a high rate of speed you need to know how to keep them when they arrive.

What took you 70 hours in a work week to complete in the past can be done in 30 hours by a Gen Y, but don’t expect them to stick around and waste time the Gen Y of today wastes no time if you’re wasting their time, we need to change our recruiting and attitudes toward the Gen Y candidate, and who knows those employer value propositions could spell good news for your retention and reputation with all generations. We need to embrace their knowledge and collaborate on ideas not experience. They have a ton of potential and a lot to offer an employer willing to cater to their needs but they need things like flexible or split scheduling, telecommuting, fast track promotion, and reimbursement for various things like cell phones, laptops, software, and network memberships. If you take good care of the Gen Y employee and offer them an opportunity to shine they will.

You might as well forget about on-line job board ads if you really want to get their attention than put together a short recruiting video that highlights your company and post it on certain networking groups on Facebook. These high achievers are accomplishing things at a faster rate, incorporating that drive and unique knowledge is critical for any company that wants to have a bright future, don’t get left behind, like I said they will not be there. The Gen Y employee is aggressive, a fast learner, and eager to move up the ladder, the days of old are just that, old. I like to call it the X Y Factor, evolution at its finest.